Friday, February 14, 2020

Reviewing The Adventures of an IT Leader Assignment

Reviewing The Adventures of an IT Leader - Assignment Example In businesses, management of relationships with competitors, rivals, suppliers, and customers can only be achieved when the business is going on the right track and emerging technologies are being scanned and analyzed. Updating systems and being up-to-date with the new technologies must be the first priority of every IT manager. Sometimes, other business managers fail to understand these meetings and problems as they fail to understand the technical terms and their importance. Whether the IT department receives any attention or not, they must spend a reasonable time to scan the emerging technologies and analyze them for their systems. Sometimes systems are automatically updated and sometimes they need to be updated to utilize certain features. These emerging technologies must be scanned and applied before the business goes into deeper challenges. The first question that Rubens asks regarding the blog entry about the June outage is what has to be done about it. The blog entry is made by a blogger who described the day when all systems in IVK went down for a while. This was bad for the business and managers were looking to the IT manager for answers of how this happened. Such blog entries are made on the internet and they were accessible to everyone. Removing it wasn’t an option as it has already been posted and someone must have the copy (Austin, Nolan & O’Donnell, 2009). Blogs are not even undoable. Thus, for this blog, it was better to leave it as it is and be careful for future blogs. The blog entry hadn’t caused harm to anyone in this firm but such blogs may cause negative consequences to other firms. Every business must have policies to protect the inside information of the company from being publicized. Viruses and hacking are two major problems within the IT field that make it difficult for businesses to maintain their policies. Ruben asks his team about the general policies that should be implemented to prevent such inside

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Shadowing experience Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Shadowing experience - Assignment Example Developmental aspect includes the school curriculum, individual students and the society development. In most cases, they act as change agents in the schools. They provide feedback to the students on the progress of their children. Also, she acts as the consultation head by working with the teachers and the administrators to meet the students needs at all levels of education (Wicks 56). They help students in different areas including ensuring that the students are more productive adults of tomorrow. They help students to achieve their academic goals and also their career and social development. They enhance the students learning processes in academic, personal and social development. Students get desired competencies that provide all students with the skills, right attitudes and knowledge appropriate for the students development. Most of the developmental needs are developed alongside the school programs (Patterson 88). The counselor was able to handle people from different societies and background. The most interesting thing is that she was able to advise a student who was infected with HIV/AIDS. He was able to train and bring back the student to the right attitude. The students were positive about life. It was my first time to get an HIV/AIDS individual being able to appreciate their status. One of the impressive things is that the counselor was able to impact the students with the right attitude. All the students had a positive attitude towards mathematics and science subject unlike other schools in the same locality. Also, she spent most of her time with the students to impact them with the right morals. There was an interactive forum that ensured students aired out their issues. This acted as a basis of identifying the students challenges in school. The challenges identified enabled the parents and teachers to manage the school (Patterson 88). Most of the issues that I need to learn about includes different ways and techniques of changing the