Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Requiescat in Pace (R.I.P.) - Definition of R.I.P.

Requiescat in pace is a Latin blessing with Roman Catholic ties that means â€Å"may he begin to rest in peace. This blessing is translated to ‘rest in peace’, a short saying or expression that wishes eternal rest and peace to an individual who has passed away. The expression typically appears on gravestones, and is often abbreviated as R.I.P. or simply RIP. The initial idea behind the phrase revolved around the souls of the dead remaining un-tormented in the afterlife. History The phrase Requiescat in pace began to be found on tombstones around the eighth century, and it was commonplace on Christian tombs by the eighteenth century. The phrase was especially prominent with the Roman Catholics. It was seen as a request that the soul of a deceased individual would find peace in the afterlife. Roman Catholics believed in and placed much emphasis on the soul, and life after death, and thus the request was for peace in the afterlife. The phrase continued to spread and gain popularity, eventually becoming a common convention. The lack of any explicit reference to the soul in the short phrase caused people to believe that it was the physical body that was wished to enjoy eternal peace and rest in a grave. The phrase can be used to mean either aspect of modern culture. Other Variations Several other variations of the phrase exist. Included among them is Requiescat in pace et in amore, meaning May she rest in peace and love, and â€Å"In pace requiescat et in amore†. Religion The phrase ‘dormit in pace’, which translates to ‘he sleeps in peace’, was found in early Christian catacombs and signified that the individual passed away in the peace of the church, united in Christ. Thus, they would then sleep in peace for eternity. The phrase ‘Rest in Peace’ continues to be engraved on the headstones of several different Christian denominations, including the Catholic Church, the Lutheran Church, and the Anglican Church. The phrase is also open to other religions interpretations. Certain sects of Catholics believe that the term Rest in Peace is actually meant to signify the day of Resurrection. In this interpretation, humans literally rest in their graves until they summoned upward out of it by the return of Jesus. Via Job 14:12-15: 12So  man lies down and does not rise.Until the heavens are no longer,He will not awake nor be aroused out of his  sleep. 13â€Å"Oh that You would  hide me in Sheol,That You would conceal me until Your wrath returns to You,That You would set a limit for me and  remember me!14â€Å"If a man dies, will he live again?All the days of my struggle  I will waitUntil my change comes.15â€Å"You will call, and I will answer You; The short phrase has also been found inscribed on Hebrew gravestones in the graveyard of Bet Shearim. The phrase clearly permeated religious lines. In this situation, it is meant to speak of a person who has died because he or she could not bear the evil around him. The phrase continues to be used in traditional Jewish ceremonies.

Monday, December 23, 2019

Social Work Is The Profession - 735 Words

I. Social Work is the profession by which to help others in need A. Social Workers Assess and Advocate for others in need B. They work as an intermediary to connect people with helpful services II. Older population A. Any individual over the age of 65 is apart of the older population B. The Older population is growing and there for more services will need to be utilized because people are living longer C. With more services being utilized more cost will incur D. 40% of people need assistance and one third is over 75(U.S Bureau of Census 2000), (Harootyan, L. K., Berkman, B. (2003). III. Social Workers also act as case managers when advocating for clients A.†A case manager coordinates and ensures that all services needed by the client (medical,financial,legal,etc)a are in fact provided.†( Suppes, M., Wells, C. (2013) B. Case Management involves both interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary acts (Harootyan, L. K., Berkman, B. (2003) C. A Case manager would normally meet either at a facility or the clients home in order to properly assess the clients situation in regards to he/she’s health, living conditions, diet, etc†¦. D. If properly assessed and treated by the Social Worker, clinic and hospitalizations can be reduced while increasing the overall homeostasis of the client and his/her situation. E. â€Å"A Case management model based on the strength perspective has been presented by Tice and Perkins (1998). This model follows the regular case management structure (intake,Show MoreRelatedSocial Work As a Profession685 Words   |  3 PagesChoosing social work as my future profession was a decision I made after much reflection, considering the fact that more than just a profession, social work is a vocation that I must commit to, professionally and personally. 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I have decided to pursue social work as a profession due to my desire of wanting to help othersRead MoreThe Profession Of Social Work1761 Words   |  8 Pagesdefining social work, the phrase â€Å"a helping profession† is used quite frequently. The profession is often misconstrued with promoting the distribution of welfare. Often times, this stereotype amuses me because social work is remarkably so much more. Not only do people fail to realize that social work is one of the broadest occupations that offers various work environments, but also they neglect one of the key goals besides the act of helping: empowerment. Yes, the profession of social work st rivesRead MoreSocial Work As A Profession907 Words   |  4 PagesA) I would describe social work as a profession that seeks to help individuals, families, and groups in multiple ways. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019

Booker T Washington Essay Free Essays

Booker T. Washington founder of Tuskegee Institute, he was a well know black educator. Tuskegee provider industrial training to African American. We will write a custom essay sample on Booker T Washington Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now He believed that African Americans would gain respect from the white community if they had trade skills. Washington also believed that trade skills were key to economic security. He thought that economic progress was sufficient and that blacks can tolerate inequality. Booker urged blacks to accept discrimination and focus more on elevating themselves , educating themselves in crafting and industrial farming skills . W. E. B Du Bois was more of a political thinker a intellectual scholar . He help found NAACP, he also published a book called The Souls of Black Folks . Bois believed that academic education was more than trade education. He felt like Booker T. Washington was keeping the African Americans trapped in a lower social and economic class with is emphasis on industrial education. Du Bois wanted the black race to expand their mind in arts and science, he wanted blacks to work hard no matter of their career . They both was for African American to get their education and wanted us to have the same equal rights as whites. They both had different political views Du Bois encourage blacks to demand their equal rights ,Washington believed that it was important for blacks to develop good relationships with whites ignoring discrimination . Booker T. Washington had a more rational strategy it was more planed out. Washington plan was to change how other race perceived African American. His overall goal was to demonstrate to other race that African American were capable of being civilized, educated, and productive man and women in the work force. Although, DuBois and Washington had the same goal their methods of achieving their goals were completely opposite. Dubois felt that African Americans should demand respect because they deserved it. However, Washington stance was that African American should earn their respect by showing the world that they weren’t ignorant, thieves, or anything else negative that was commonly used to describe blacks. I agree with Washington approach because his strategy demands that black people become active in their own advancements. I think African American have to get back connect to their root before we can advance as a race in today society . Booker strategy can be modify because not everybody was book smart , but their some people who could work magic with their hands . If blacks could take advantage of the thoughts and ideas of our ancestors we can grow as a race . Ida B. Wells a civil right activist, she expressed herself about lynching through writing and her speeches . She help reduce the amount of lynching in the south. Ida B. Wells demanded that the whites murders of the innocent people be held accountable of their actions. She also was involved in many creation of several organizations encouraging the advancement of women and other minorities . Wells wasn’t afraid to speak her mind she was determine to make away for the black race . Mary Church Terrell was born into wealth, she was the first black women appointed to the District of Columbia Board of education . Mary was a charter member and first president of the National Association of Colored Women. She was nationally known for her support of women’s suffrage and opposition to racial segregation . Mary had many contributes, she taught at a black secondary school , worked with Fredrick Douglass and spent two years studying in Europe . She was a leader of a large protest against segregated eating places, and she was the only black women to speak at the International Congress of Women in 1904 that was held in Berlin, Germany. She was a powerful woman back in her days, took the steps that was necessary to succeed . Anna Julia Cooper was part of the feminist movement, she published a book call â€Å" A Voice from the South by a Black Women of the South â€Å". She is an African American scholar, she was the fourth black women to earn a doctoral degree. Anna help found the Colored Women’s League in Washington D. C, she was one of the few black women invited to speak on the Pan-African Conference in London. She was committed to the race and gender equality Cooper lived her life as an active vocal participant in the Women Era. Anna Julia Cooper believed that intelligent women’s voices brought balance to the struggle for the human race . Black women today should look as these women as role models, they lead the way for many generation. It’s up to us as women to take a chance to be heard and fight for what we believe in. No matter the outcome Ida, Mary and Anna took a stand as women and make sure their voice were heard that alone say a lot about their character . Many women of our generation is scared to speak out on the thing they believe afraid of being judge. Women are more powerful than they know , I think women can still uplift the black race if we came together to fix the things in the black community and work together instead of tearing each other down. If we change our mindset we can change the world. How to cite Booker T Washington Essay, Essay examples

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Engineering and Science That Is Primarily †Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question Discuss About The Engineering And Science That Is Primarily? Answer: Introduction The case study revolves around a low scale company that is set up in Brisbane, Australia and is working in the area of Artificial Intelligence. There are various organizations that have been set up all across the globe that are working on the same domain or in a particular area. One factor that sets these organizations apart and distinguishes them from the rest is the factor and element of innovation. The idea has been adapted by the organization as mentioned in the case study to include robotics in their technical architecture. There are three areas in which the organization works upon which include mining, transportation and manufacturing. Inclusion of robotics in these areas will result in a lot many benefits along with several changes as well. Industries and firms all across the globe are implementing robotics in their structure and there are various aspects that are related with the technology. There may be several benefits that may result along with certain risks and areas of c oncern. The main aim of writing the report is to develop an understanding on the use of robotics in the organization that has been mentioned in the case study along with its application. It is not necessary that the advantages that are caused by robotics and robots in one industry will apply in this case as well. It will be required to carry out planning and analysis activities to understand the needs of the organization before starting with the implementation procedure. The main objective of the report is to list out the benefits along with the types of robots that may be implemented for assistance in the business activities. There may also be various risks that may be associated with the adaptation of robotics that have also been included in the report in the form of legal and ethical along with the social considerations. Robotics Robotics is defined as an area and a branch associated with Engineering and Science that is primarily concerned with the design along with the development of the robots. It also includes the construction activities, application and deployment. Many organizations and firms are now developing and using robots to execute the jobs and business activities in place of human resources and entities. Robots are the tools or the machines that are automated in such a manner that they accomplish the tasks that they are designed for. There are codes that are installed in these machines and every action and behavior of the robots is regulated through these codes only. They come programmed with the algorithms so that they may carry out the activities. These are regulated and monitored with the help of a computer system. The purpose for which these robots are designed for may vary and depend upon the requirements and specifications. The need of one organization or user may differ from the other and the purpose will vary accordingly. Current Use Applicable Robot Types for the Organization The organization as mentioned in the case study works in three primary domains as manufacturing, mining and transportation. All of these three domains include several tasks and activities which opens the scope for the application of robots. In case of the tasks revolving around mining, robotics may be applied in following operations and business activities. Activities related to excavation Identification of specific gases and minerals Risk identification and dangers to human life along with creation and generation of alerts Exploration of abandoned mines Application of robotics will be significant in case of transportation related business activities as well. Management and assessment of risks Crash avoidance and detection systems to ensure that there is minimal risk involved (Koliubin, 2016). Sensors and generation of alerts in case of a probable crash Maintenance activities The third domain area that the organization works and looks in to is the manufacturing area where robotics will have prime application. Application of robots in supply chain management in the activities like sorting of the packages, shipment tasks, allocation of the packages to the shelves and their placement etc. Heavy objects may be lifted and placed by the robots (Robinson, 2015). Cleaning activities along with organization of the packages Short Term Long Term Operations for the Organization There will be short terms and long term operations and goals that will be required to be set up. Planning, analysis and development of the strategy shall be the first step that shall be taken by the organization in the area of robotics. The first phase shall include the use and implementation in only the areas that are not critical to the organization. Some of these activities may include excavation, cleaning and likewise. There shall be assessment and validation tests that shall be executed to determine the performance and related issues in the short term operations (Romero, Lozano-Guzmn, Betanzo-Quezada, Lpez-Cajn, 2014). Implementation and use of robots shall then be done in the critical areas associated with the operations that are carried out in the organization which shall be long term. These shall include crash avoidance, risk management etc. Advantages of Including Robotics Implementation of robotics will cause many advantages and benefits to the organization that has been mentioned in the case study. Implementation will result in quick Return on Investment (ROI) which will overcome the cost of set up and will result in higher production costs. Robots are the machines and will not require any breaks or holidays unlike human resources which will lead to increase in the production. Quality of the services and end products will improve as there will be correct precision that will be followed by the robots and there will be no scope for any of the operational errors. Reliability will also be maintained as the specifications will be followed in every cycle (Soffar, 2016). The overall process flow will become better as the floor space will be used in a better way. Robots will be designed with the ability to cause minimum wastes. Customer base associated with the organization will improve with the enhancement in the quality. Workplace safety will improve as the robots will be able to detect, control and prevent the risks associated with the workplace. Disadvantages of Including Robotics It will become necessary for the organization to invest in the initial phase and the one-time cost will be very high. It cannot be guaranteed that the implementation of robotics will surely cause positive results as there are several uncertainties involved. The organization will be required to invest in the trainings of the resources to make them efficient for the monitoring and tracking of the robots and to have an understanding on the steps to follow in case of a deviation (Granta, 2017). Technical faults and failures will be quite common in case of the functioning of robots as they are nothing but the machines that have been programmed to perform a specific activity. Robots will be coded in such a manner that they cause minimal waste but they themselves will be adding up to the e-waste which is a global issue. Organization will be required to spend on the maintenance and upgrades of the robots as they are the machines that will require proper care. Ethical, Social Legal Considerations Robots are nothing but the machines that are based upon Artificial Intelligence and other advanced concepts for the fulfillment of tasks and activities. There are several issues and concerns that may be associated with these machines. There are several operations that will be performed by the robots in the organization and most of these operations will involve the use of information associated with the organization. There are numerous risks to the security and privacy of the information and lack of the protection mechanisms in the robots may lead to breaching of the same (Economist, 2012). The primary resources that are currently engaged in any of the organization and the one mentioned in the case study are the human resources. Creation and implementation of the robots will place human resources at a secondary position as their activities will be performed by these machines. It will lead to loss of jobs for the humans and may also create a situation of unemployment for the people (Hammond, 2016). Organization operates in several areas and domains which include a lot many risks especially in the manufacturing and mining domains. There may be situations of artificial stupidity that may come up in case of a sudden occurrence or an uncertainty for which the robot has not been designed to deal with. The impact of such consequences can be extremely adverse on the organization as well as the associated parties (Nature, 2015). A machine works as per the codes that are installed in it and these codes are developed and installed by the human beings. There may be human resources present in the organization that may deliberately try to cause damage by installing malicious codes and programs in the robots. In the present scenario, the emotional quotient present inside a robot is nil. However, with the transformations and advancements in technology, it may be possible that the robots are designed with the ability to think, express and behave like humans. It will become difficult to deal with such machines in the future as there will be a lot of unpredictability involved. There may also be situations wherein it will become very difficult and troublesome to deal with the situations that will come up (Bok, 2012). Legal policies and laws are necessary for the enforcement of correct practices and procedures. In case of robotics, there are no legal policies that have been currently defined. However, it may become necessary in future to come up with such creations (Liu, 2012). These considerations that have been illustrated above are significant and play an important role in the area of robotics. It is necessary that the organization develops mechanisms to deal with all of these ethical, social and legal considerations before deciding to implement robotics in their architecture (Mir-Nasiri, Hussaini, 2005). Conclusion Technology is advancing at a rapid scale and there are various transformations that are being implemented with each passing day. One of such fields is the field of robotics which has advanced itself at an immense speed. There are several technologies on which robotics are based upon such as Artificial Intelligence, Human Computer Interaction and many more. Robots are the machines that are a result and end product of robotics which are coded and designed in such a manner that they have the ability to fulfill and accomplish a specific task or an activity. In case of the organization that has been mentioned in the case study, there are several areas in which robotics may be applied such as transportation, mining and manufacturing. These areas are composed of several activities which may be critical or non-critical in nature. There are several advantages that will result out of the application of robotics in the organization such as reduction of production costs, better quality and relia bility along with enhanced production speed. There may also be certain disadvantages as on-time cost that will be involved will be very high. Also, there will be enhancement of electronic waste with the creation of robots. There may be certain risks that may be associated with the robots in terms of the ethical considerations, legal considerations and social considerations. Organization operates in several areas and domains which include a lot many risks especially in the manufacturing and mining domains. There may be situations of artificial stupidity that may come up in case of a sudden occurrence or an uncertainty for which the robot has not been designed to deal with. The impact of such consequences can be extremely adverse on the organization as well as the associated parties. Recommendations Planning is an activity that is essential in every activity and it shall be made sure that planning is carried out in case of the application of robotics in the organization as well. It will be necessary to estimate the actual need of robots along with their types on the basis of the study of various factors. (Ahn, 2012). The first phase shall include the use and implementation in only the areas that are not critical to the organization. Some of these activities may include excavation, cleaning and likewise. There shall be assessment and validation tests that shall be executed to determine the performance and related issues in the short term operations. The critical set of activities and operations shall be covered in the next phase on a long term basis. Security of the information along with the processes and resources associated with the organization is also necessary. It shall be made sure that all the risks are assessed and evaluated in advance to make sure that there are mechani sms available and installed in the robots to act accordingly in the occurrence of a risk. There shall also be modes to deactivate the robots in case of mal-functioning or deviation. Such activities will make sure that there is no compromise of the security of any of the components that are associated. References Ahn, H. (2012). A Framework-Based Approach for Fault-Tolerant Service Robots. International Journal Of Advanced Robotic Systems, 1. https://dx.doi.org/10.5772/54023 Bok, M. (2012). On the Robot Singularity: A Novel Geometric Approach. International Journal Of Advanced Robotic Systems, 1. https://dx.doi.org/10.5772/53779 Economist. (2012). Morals and the machine. The Economist. Retrieved 11 May 2017, from https://www.economist.com/node/21556234 Granta. (2017). Advantages and Disadvantages of Industrial Robots | Granta Automation. Granta-automation.co.uk. Retrieved 11 May 2017, from https://www.granta-automation.co.uk/news/advantages-and-disadvantages-of-industrial-robots/ Hammond, K. (2016). Ethics and Artificial Intelligence: The Moral Compass of a Machine. Recode. Retrieved 11 May 2017, from https://www.recode.net/2016/4/13/11644890/ethics-and-artificial-intelligence-the-moral-compass-of-a-machine Koliubin, S. (2016). Robotic transportation: self-driving cars|Control Engineering. Controleng.com. Retrieved 11 May 2017, from https://www.controleng.com/single-article/robotic-transportation-self-driving-cars/56776cde87d8cbe03669ddd3ec9a30a7.html Liu, C. (2012). Target Tracking for Visual Servoing Systems Based on an Adaptive Kalman Filter. International Journal Of Advanced Robotic Systems, 1. https://dx.doi.org/10.5772/52035 Mir-Nasiri, N., Hussaini, S. (2005). New Intelligent Transmission Concept for Hybrid Mobile Robot Speed Control. International Journal Of Advanced Robotic Systems, 1. https://dx.doi.org/10.5772/5784 Nature. (2015). Robotics: Ethics of artificial intelligence. Retrieved 11 May 2017, from https://www.nature.com/news/robotics-ethics-of-artificial-intelligence-1.17611 Robinson, A. (2015). Exploding use of Robotics in Logistics and Manufacturing. Transportation Management Company | Cerasis. Retrieved 11 May 2017, from https://cerasis.com/2015/07/06/robotics-in-logistics/ Romero, J., Lozano-Guzmn, A., Betanzo-Quezada, E., Lpez-Cajn, C. (2014). Robotics and Road Transportation: A Review. Intelligent Robotics And Applications, 467-478. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-13966-1_46 Soffar, H. (2016). Advantages and Disadvantages of using Robots in our life | Science online. Science online. Retrieved 11 May 2017, from https://www.online-sciences.com/robotics/advantages-and-disadvantages-of-using-robots-in-our-life/