Thursday, May 21, 2020

South Africa And South African Literature Essay - 1487 Words

After the end of World War II, new ideals began to encroach on South Africa. One of these new ideas was Apartheid, the idea that the races should be separate. This idea quickly became practiced in everyday life and became included in the laws governing South Africa. As one can imagine this ideal also invaded the literature written in South Africa and South African writers. In order to develop Apartheid, the creation of an â€Å"other† was necessary, which established a type of â€Å"us† versus â€Å"them† mentality. The understood â€Å"us† that was created included all whites and the understood â€Å"them† that was created included coloreds, Asians, blacks, and everyone that wasn’t white. The ideological construction of the â€Å"other† as viewed through the South African texts, Heart of Darkness and Cry, The Beloved Country, was formed through ideas of superiority, dissociation, and eventually through racism. However, both South Afri can texts also include examples of awareness of oppression from the point of view of the in-group. In Albert Memmi’s text, The Colonizer and the Colonized, he discusses the formation of racism within a colonial and colonized society. He begins with â€Å"Colonial racism is built from three major ideological components: one, the gulf between the culture of the colonialist and the colonized; two, the exploitation of these differences for the benefit of the colonialist; three, the use of these supposed differences as standards of absolute fact† (Memmi, 71). With this quote,Show MoreRelatedThe Culture Of South Africa1622 Words   |  7 Pages South Africa By: Hannah Devine December 5, 2014 Period 4 â€Æ' There are 196 countries in the world and South Africa is the 25th largest. Inhabited by around 53 million people, the country is represented as a whole by all of those people, exhibiting the five elements of culture in their everyday lives. 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