Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Strategies for Coping with Stress Essay examples - 2020 Words

Strategies for Coping with Stress Stress has been defined as a pattern of negative physiological and psychological processes occurring in situations where people perceive threats to their well being which they may be unable to meet. These situations involve stimuli which can be either real or imagines and are generally known as stressors. Stressors come in many forms; for example, they can be cataclysmic such as life disasters including floods and earthquakes and also things such as rape and abuse. But they can also quite insignificant things such as being late for work or stuck in traffic – these are generally known as life’s little hassles. Although stressors are mainly seen as negative,†¦show more content†¦There is also the problem of prolonged and severe stress as many people’s lifestyles can easily produce stressors and this increases their chances of a stress related illness. Much of the research regarding stressors and their long-term effects on the body comes from Seyle’s General Adaptation Syndrome (1956). A lot of Seyle’s research was based on using laboratory animals and his results showed that constant exposure to severe stressors produces three physiological phases, the first phase is alarm reaction, and this showed the bodies physiological response to a situation with stressful stimuli. Phase two was known as the stage of resistance in which if the stressful stimuli (stressor) persists or is not dealt with correctly the body seeks to maintain arousal at a constant lower level. The final phase was the stage of exhaustion where by eventually the continued high arousal levels exhaust the body’s resources producing both negative physiological and psychological effects. The extent to which people can adapt to a stressor depends on the individual and how they perceive the stressful stimuli because people’s emotions seem to be able to cope with short-term events where as the physiological response our body’s produce coincides with our negative emotions and soShow MoreRelatedLevels Of Stress And Coping Strategies Among Arts Streams, Male And Female University Students Of Peradeniya Essay1221 Words   |  5 PagesLevels of Stress and Coping Strategies Among Arts Stream, Male and Female University Students of Peradeniya Buddhiprabha. D. D. 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